Friday, December 27, 2019

Reinstating the Military Draft - 878 Words

Reinstating the Military Draft The military draft has been used several times throughout the United States history. It has been used for different conflicts such as the World Wars, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. By 1973, the country switched to an all-volunteer military service, abandoning the concept of the military draft (Brisbane, par. 1). Congressman Charles Rangel planned to introduce a legislation calling for the draft reinstatement. If a military draft is reinstated, everyone, no matter what social class the person is, will have to do his or her part in the defense of our country. Of course there are people who oppose the military draft by saying that it is not very democratic and that it violates the freedom this country†¦show more content†¦For example, people who do not want to fight are unlikely to be very motivated, whereas volunteer armies are far more likely to be patriotic and motivated. Citizens who may have been very patriotic may become disillusioned with their country after being forced to participate in a war they do not want to fight in. (Richards, par. 4). The people that favor the military draft, such as former talk show host Montell Williams, who is a retired Naval officer himself who started with the U.S. Marines say that the armed forces are too stressed with fighting two wars at the same time. Montell Williams said, â€Å"Why dont we spread out that stress and start making more people put on the uniform and defend this democracy?† (Reinstating DRAFT Could Stop Bad Military Behavior, par. 3). Having to fight 2 unpopular wars attract very few people to join the military out of desperation, therefore the same soldiers are being sent multiple times to the areas of conflict, bringing more stress to the soldiers and the families they leave behind. People in higher social class have no need to join the military service and take advantage of its benefits; therefore, the majority of the service members that compose our military are the lower class. In the case of a military draft reinstatement, the military itself will be one of the main beneficiaries. It will receive a marked increase in its force strength. It will get an influx of young women and men forShow MoreRelatedReinstating the Military Draft Essay863 Words   |  4 Pagesseen a decline in enlistments, which has reignited and old debate. Should we reinstate the Military Draft? This one question has sparked a debate nationwide, between friends, family, and even perfect strangers. Reinstating the draft is just one way to ensure people can continue to enjoy those freedoms the armed forces have fought for over the years. 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It lead the military to commission a morale poll to be completed by Stars Stripes (August 2003) and to send in a special mental health advisory team to assess the situation. In April 2004, military officials reported the teams conclusion: while the suicide rate for soldiers overseas is almost double tha t of the civilian population, is not considered aRead More Divisive, But Effectual: Reinstating the Draft Essay1927 Words   |  8 Pagessignificantly. The U.S. is a major military power in the present world; American soldiers are engaged in many multi-theater positions, consequently dispersing troops over various regions worldwide. As only one in ten citizens has served in the US Army, American knowledge of military conditions is rapidly lessening along with the national harmony that complements such knowledge. Therefore, the comprehension that American security is closely associated with a formidable military never resonated within theRead MoreThe Expansion Of Islamic Rule2184 Words   |  9 Pagesweren’t fully developed to be efficient and reliable in warfare until the mid 1400’s. Due to an increase in firearms, rulers began to create centralized, fiscal-military states to finance their strategic shift to firearm bearing infantries (542,). Rulers also began to im plement imperialism, extending a country’s power and influence through military force, which had been a dormant policy for decades. The reason for reverting was a result of developing commonwealths between the competing realms, consisting

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Working With Emotional Intelligence By Daniel Goleman

Until the late 90’s IQ was regarded as the staple measurement for societal excellence and human competency. It wasn t until New York Times sciences reporter Daniel Goleman came across a study from two college professors researching the value of Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is the ability of an individual to recognize their own and other people s emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior. After taking the EI Quiz I scored relatively high in all categories, but the categories I identified myself with the most EQ was were social competency, self confidence and empathy. I learned a lot about myself†¦show more content†¦Goleman divides his book into several chapters. At first he examines the attributes of successful people. What is it that sets them apart? How do they do it? He examines the â€Å"soft skills† of several people who exhibit exceptional emotional intelligence and also what others fail to do, which ultimately makes them unsuccessful. He also points out the difference a single individual who possesses these skills can make to an organization. These skills are particularly important in diplomatic service s, but also to the average salesperson. However, he also notes that the higher one climbs on the job ladder, the more important these skills become, and the less important technical skills are. He divides emotional intelligence into five areas. 1. Self-Awareness, which can be subdivided into emotional awareness, accurate self- assessment and self-confidence. 2. Self-Regulation, divided into self-control, trustworthiness, conscientiousness, adaptability and innovation. 3. Motivation, which consists of achievement drive, commitment, initiative and optimism. The preceding attributes are classified as Personal competence, while the next two are classified as social competence. 4. Empathy divided into understanding others, developing others, service orientation, and leveraging diversity and political awareness. 5. Social

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Philosophical Theories Social Justice

Question: Discuss about thePhilosophical Theories for Social Justice. Answer: Introduction: The very existence of social justice is possible only when a common platform of humanity is being shared by people having rights to unbiased treatment, human rights support and distribution of community resources in a reasonable manner (Heller Gaede, 2016). Social justice can be stated as encouraging a just society where diversity is being valued along with posing a challenge to injustice (Frynas Stephens, 2015). Social justice can also only succeed when equal opportunity is being provided to the society. John Rawls Justice as Fairness and David Millers Principles of Social Justice are two of the most important and prominent theories that have come up in the recent years for better understanding of the term, Social Justice. Background of the Social Justice Philosophy: The origin of Social Justice as a distinct concept dates back to the nineteenth century. Jesuit Philosopher, Luigi Taparelli Azeglio was the first person to use the concept of social justice while debating over the Risorgimentos attempts to politically unify the Italian peninsula. French Revolution that took place in 1789 was the backdrop of Taparellis social justice where he questioned the treatment being meted out by the society to its traditional leaders and whether the existence of aristocracy is unjust. He was the one who stated that social justice only works when the people living in the society are able to accept inequality. According to him, justice has the customary inclination to balance accounts. He also added that human are not equal when it comes to quality. His idea of social justice is conservative in nature and based on the defense of socialinequality. John Rawls Theory of Social Justice: The Main Idea: The theory is most generally referred to as Justice as Fairness which evolved in the year 2003. Rawls idea of social justice is giving surety to the citizens or members of the society that they will be provided with the required protection in having equal access to rights, opportunities and liberties. He also added that proper care should be taken of those members of the society who enjoys the least advantage of being a part of the same. Rawls definition of social justice lingers with the thought of social contract, where people are given free access in entering into an agreement where they will need to follow certain regulations for the enhancement of others and not implying the same for their own benefits (Rawls, 2016). In Rawls opinion, rational and free people will play the game of social justice by fair means and in accordance to the rules, where public acceptance of those rules and conditions are necessary for it to continue. According to Rawls, certain given situations depict a different version of judgment from people, where not all will agree on what the requirement of justice should be under such conditions. An important aspect of Rawls social justice theory is that it takes into account the concept of domestic justice where principles get applied to the societys basic structure, and not the local justice which considers principles applied to associations and institutions of the society (Neil, 2013). Rawls theory does not account for global justice, which according to him does not fit into his theory. Principles of Rawls Social Justice Theory: Concept: The Principles of Rawls Social Justice is being outlined on Equal Liberties, Different Principle and Equal opportunity. The justice of fairness is based on two principles: -All the people of the society should have unjustifiable claim to ample schemes of basic equal liberties -Two conditions need satisfaction from economic and social inequalities; firstly, offices and positions related to it should be open to all where equality of opportunity condition prevails; secondly these are to be directed towards the benefit of the least-advantaged people of the society (Hudon Ashta, 2013). Rawls principles indicate that the factor of equality is important in determining social justice. Rawls principles would be better understood if adopted and applied in a four-stage sequence. The first of the four justice principles being adopted is for societys regulation, the second for the convention of the constitution (government processes), the third for legislative purposes (enactment of laws) and the last part for the rules to be applied by the administrators where the same is followed by the society members in conditions requiring justice by fairness. Rawls social justice conception signifies the importance of equality, though every time it not possible to achieve the same in the society. As per Rawls, inequalities can only be accepted when each person of the society has a fair chance in getting hold of positions that directs toward inequality (Klosko, 2015). The fair equality of opportunity is possible only when members of the society get a fair chance in attainting them. Drawbacks: -Some authors criticize Rawls theory for being at par with Utilitarianism where two principles could authorize inequalities in demand and suffering for the beneficial of the least well off. - This theory was evolved to handle societal problems, but has difficulties in handling individual decision making process. - Rawls theory is stated to be not ambition sensitive and endowment sensitive. It does not take into account the natural inequalities of people. Rawls justice as fairness theory can be used in identifying the processes that are constant with social justice. Governments policies can be reviewed using this theory to conclude its consistency or inconsistency part with the social justice theory. David Millers Theory of Principles of Social Justice: The Main Idea: This theory of social justice too was established in the year 2003 by David Miller. According to Miller, (2012), social justice relies on the perspective of given situations. The goal of Millers theory was to determine the principles used by people in judging the just and unjust nature of society. His theory has been created through public opinion polls and studies related to that in accordance to different aspects of justice. As per Miller, social justice arranges the allocation of advantages and disadvantages in society and how it should be distributed within the society. The relevant advantages of social justice is related to property, jobs, medical care, transportation, housing and child care whereas the disadvantages are directed towards hardships and military service involving risk. In Millers opinion, consideration of policies in allocating the advantages and disadvantages should not be judged on the way they benefit everyone personally (Lerner Lerner, 2013). Miller added that justice takes place only when people are treated equally. The basic requirement is for everyone to treat the other person as equal, without being selfish or egoistic. There are a lot of procedures in bringing justice to the society, but that does not take into account the situation where every procedure leading to it will be accepted by one and all. Millers theory relies on the state, as state is being identified as the prime agency competent to bring in the changes. Moreover, only the state can exert force and pressure on people to comply with the requirements of social justice. The theory also states that the institutions complying within the society must also go by the social justice requirements, thus giving birth to social justice culture. Three Elements of Millers Social Justice: Desert, Need and Equality Concept: Millers theory states that desert is a claim where rewards are earned supported by performance and where super recognition should be provided to super performers depending on their performance. Need is another factor that can be defined as a claim that lacks basic necessities. Equality, as per Miller, is the social ideal where citizens are being treated equally by the society along with equal distribution of rights. Miller prioritizes need above the other two, and desert above the equality factor, though he has been open to the fact that at certain times desert can precede the need. According to Miller, inequalities in society are at certain times just which is based on two reasons. Firstly, inequalities related to economy which motivates people to go for more are sometimes being justified. Secondly, inequalities arise from the difference on merit. Meritorious individuals deserve more based on their performance than those who are less meritorious, difference arising from skill, performance and education (King Lawson, 2015). Millers pluralistic social justice theory recognizes any process that is consistent with social justice, which if not is stated as not being consistent with social justice (Bierhoff, Cohen Greenberg, 2013). Millers theory is mainly for a democratic government where members of the society are permitted for full contribution in accordance to institutional arrangements. Conclusion: This paper did take into account the two main theories associated with Social Justice where it can be concluded that in a society, if social justice needs to exist, every member of the society has to be treated equally where no discrepancies should be made among them. Even if inequality arises, every member should be provided with a fair deal towards that inequality factor. No biasness should be involved and members who are identified as the less advantaged people of the society should be taken proper care of, or else the whole idea of society being represented as whole will be demolished. Reference: Bierhoff, H. W., Cohen, R. L., Greenberg, J. (Eds.). (2013).Justice in social relations. Springer Science Business Media. Frynas, J. G., Stephens, S. (2015). Political corporate social responsibility: Reviewing theories and setting new agendas.International Journal of Management Reviews,17(4), 483-509. Heller, M., Gaede, F. (2016). Measuring Altruistic Impact: A Model for Understanding the Social Justice of Open Access.Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication,4, eP2132. Hudon, M., Ashta, A. (2013). Fairness and microcredit interest rates: From Rawlsian principles of justice to the distribution of the bargaining range.Business Ethics: A European Review,22(3), 277-291. King, P., Lawson, S. (2015). Justice and equality: an introduction.Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy,18(1), 1-6. Klosko, G., 2015. Rawls, Weithman, and the stability of liberal democracy.Res Publica,21(3), pp.235-249. Lerner, M. J., Lerner, S. C. (Eds.). (2013).The justice motive in social behavior: Adapting to times of scarcity and change. Springer Science Business Media. Miller, D. (2012). Territorial rights: concept and justification.Political Studies,60(2), 252-268. Neil, M. R. (2013).The Last Citizen A Response to Rawls's Challenge on Impairment: A Third Principle of Justice, and Extra-Rational Contribution(Doctoral dissertation, University of Denver). Rawls, J. (2016). 18. A Theory of Justice.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Why not to Drink and Drive an Example by

Why not to Drink and Drive It has been often said that drinking and driving dont mix. Several government agencies have been continuously conducting information drives about the dangers of drunk driving. But the sad fact remains that people still do drink and drive. Need essay sample on "Why not to Drink and Drive" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Drunk driving also called driving under the influence of alcohol or drinking and driving or simply drink-driving is defined as the act of operating a vehicle, whether motor or human-powered such as the bicycle, after consuming alcohol or drugs to the extent which affects the individuals mental and motor skills (Driving Under the Influence). Aside from driving under the influence of alcohol and driving under the influence of other drugs, a third offense which also falls under this category but considered more dangerous is that of driving under the combined influence of drug and alcohol. Although it is important to note that the drugs mentioned are not confined to those that are illegal. These drugs can be those that are lawfully prescribed or bought over the counter for particular medications (Driving Under the Influence). These drugs which are taken by certain individuals as medication can prove to be fatal when combined with alcohol. Why do people continue to ignore the fact that driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs lead to accidents? There are a number of reasons that one can offer to try to explain the behavior of these drunk drivers. One, they still have to encounter the accidents themselves. Two, the penalties for these offenses may not be sufficient to deter would-be offenders. Three, probable ignorance of existing driving rules and regulations. And four, the shocking realities and statistics arising from accidents caused by drunk driving probably do not markedly register to these offenders because of inadequate or lack of access to the disturbing figures of accidents caused by drunk driving. If this is the case, then consider these facts and figures on drunk driving. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, an agency of the US government under the Department of Health and Human Services, accidents that are alcohol-related kills one person every thirty-one minutes and causes injury every two minutes (Impaired Driving). Imagine the magnitude of these figures. Death in every half-hour and injury in every two minutes caused by drunk driving. Deaths and injuries in these statistics are either the drivers themselves or, more unfortunately the pedestrians. Statistically speaking, drunk driving could cause 48 deaths and hundreds of injuries in a single day. The hundreds of injuries in a single day when computed to a single year would translate into over a million people that were injured because of alcohol-related accidents (Drinking and Driving Data). Maybe these irresponsible drunk drivers are not capable of understanding the implication of these injuries and its incremental cost in the long term. On the other hand, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration puts the number of injured drivers due to alcohol and drug use to 18 to 20 percent. The agency also cited that drug-related vehicular accidents are on the increase compared to drinking-related accidents (Drinking ). In the same article published on its website, NCIPC claimed that in 2005, 16,885 people died in the United States caused by alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes. This figure represents 39 percent of all traffic-related deaths (Impaired Driving). That is almost 50 percent of all traffic-related deaths. More than 16,000 people would have been still alive if not for drunk driving. These figures are staggering and one cannot but cringe at the number of deaths caused by these accidents, and all because of alcohol or drugs mixed with driving. The same article further said that more than 200 child passengers aged 14 and younger died because of alcohol-related accidents. The child passengers were riding with drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Another 48 children at the same age bracket mentioned above were killed either as pedestrians or riding bicycles that were hit or sideswiped by drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs (Impaired Driving). These children were struck down at the prime of their lives by irresponsible drivers. It is very sad to think that these child passengers put their trust on their elders who turned out to be irresponsible thereby causing their deaths. It is very hard to understand that there are people who would put children at risk by not being responsible enough to forego drinking knowing that these children have put their trust on them. The NHTSA, on its statistics on drunk driving, cited that male drivers are twice as likely to be involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents compared to female drivers. Also, younger people are more prone to be involved in these accidents compared to older people. Accordingly, in 2005, 16 percent of young drivers with ages ranging from 16 to 20 years old who died in motor vehicle accidents were under the influence of alcohol (Impaired Driving). Another interesting fact among the young drivers is that men ages 18 to 20 were recorded to have been influenced by alcohol while driving more frequently compared to any other age group. This is interesting because the age range of 18 to 20 is under the legal drinking age (Impaired Driving). Motorcycle accident deaths, on the other hand, recorded that 30 percent were caused by alcohol influence. Also, motorcyclists, with age range from 40 to 44, were recorded to have the highest percentage of fatalities involving alcohol-related crashes (Impaired Driving). These figures show that alcohol-related accidents happen in virtually all age groups and all genders. Apparently, irresponsible drivers come from different age levels and genders beside the fact that, considering the age brackets cited in these statistics, these people can be considered to be literate and probably have attained, to say the least, some degree of education. If the people getting involved in alcohol-related vehicular accidents are considered to be literate and educated, what does that say of the society, or for that matter, the country, they reside. Educated people are supposed to be responsible people due to the nature of their training acquired from schools. It is quite sad, indeed, to think that even people who are supposed to be learned and knowledgeable getting involved in alcohol-related motor vehicle accidents. Translating these accidents, whether they are deaths or injuries, into financial terms, the costs are astounding. Each year, about $15 billion are spent due to alcohol-related accidents in the United States (Impaired Driving). So much money is being spent because of irresponsible drunk-driving. Imagine how many other government projects could have been funded with $15 billion. Imagine how many lives may have been saved from these accidents. The figures cited above are very staggering indeed. And the fact that these deaths and injuries were caused by alcohol- and drug-related vehicular accidents and not by some terrorist acts makes it more appalling. If these motor vehicle drivers have been more responsible not only for themselves but for the sake of their passengers and/or the pedestrians, all these senseless deaths and injuries would have prevented. And if these reasons were not enough, consider the death of Princess Diana of Britain. The recent findings of the French authorities tasked to conduct an investigation on the incident mentioned that the driver of the vehicle where Princess Diana and her companions were traveling in was found to have high blood alcohol content. The authorities found out that the driver was driving under the influence of alcohol by testing the blood of the victim. They found out that the drivers blood alcohol content was way above the accepted levels. Granted that their vehicle was driving fast to avoid the unscrupulous photographers taking photos of the couple inside the car, which some claim was the reason why the vehicle got out of control and crashed. But it cannot also be denied that the drivers intoxication contributed in part, or others can claim not only in part but the main reason, why the car crashed. To be assigned to drive a very important person meant that a driver is a very experienced one and is expected to be able to handle unexpected road incidents such as what happened in the crash. If the driver carrying Princess Diana had been sober and free from the influence of alcohol, it may be assumed that his motor and mental skills would have been very alert and could have responded appropriately to an unanticipated incident. Instead, because of the high level of alcohol found on the drivers blood, it is safe to assume that it affected his driving skills. His judgment may have been impaired resulting in the death of one of the most popular icons of her time. It may be unfair to pass judgment and put all the blame on the driver of Princess Dianas vehicle but the evidence as reported by the authorities cannot simply be ignored. Drunk-driving causes accidents and claim lives, whether one is a popular figure or a simple citizen. Even respected Hollywood celebrities, supposed to be role models for their legions of followers, were apprehended due to drunk-driving. What must it take for people to fully realize the wisdom of this oft-repeated statement: When you drive, dont drink. When you drink, dont drive. A very simple but very straightforward reminder to motor vehicle drivers to avoid drunk-driving accidents. Or is not enough? Does one have to experience it first-hand to understand? Maybe, but then, by that time, it may be too late. Works Cited Drinking Alcohol Problems and Solutions. 2005. 13 Jan. 2007. Drinking and Driving Data. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. n.d. Driving Under the Influence. 2006. 14 Jan. 2007. Impaired Driving. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. 2006.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Will To Power Essays - Friedrich Nietzsche, Will To Power

the Will to Power In the Will to Power, Nietzsche claims: The will to power interprets (-it is a question of interpretation when an organ is constructed): it defines limits, determines degrees, variations of power. Mere variations of power could not feel themselves to be such: there must be present something that wants to grow and interprets the value of whatever else wants to grow. Equal in that- In fact, interpretation is itself a means of becoming master of something. (The organic process constantly presupposes interpretations.) Part I of this paper unpacks this passage concerning the nature of interpretation to reach the crux of Nietzsche's argument. Part II then contextualizes this argument with respect to his claims regarding perspectivism and interpretation. Finally Part III raises the most plausible critique of Nietzsche's claim of perspectivism as possible responses by Nietzsche in his defense. I. Analysis In the passage above, Nietzsche claims that it is not human beings which interpret, but rather, it is "the will to power [that] interprets." As discussed in lecture, the organic process which presupposes interpretation is essentially the very process of adaptation by which an organism tries to fit itself into its environment and to other species around it, such as its predators and its prey. This process is a way in which the organism physiologically interprets the world. So interaction is the fundamental phenomenon of the forces that make up the will to power and these interactions in so far as they are systematically centered around a particular center of power, can be called a perspective or interpretation which that center of force gives of its surrounding environment. And what we think of as this specifically human interpretation is only the conscious psychological realization of this much more fundamental law of nature. Thus it is the will to power that interpreter! s, and it does so by appropriating, that is, knowledge is a process of appropriation. To understand what Nietzsche means by appropriation here, we can look to section 515 where he states "not 'to know' but to schematize-to impose upon chaos as much regularity and for as our practical needs require." In this statement, Nietzsche claims that interpretation is "to impose upon chaos as much regularity and form as our practical needs require." So for the plant, or some animal that preys on its environment, they will distinguish only between things that are useful and that which is not useful to the individual. The predator has no sense of distinction between this or that individual fly; one fly is all the same because it is simply food. However, in treating these different bits of prey as equal, it schematizes and organizes, and simplifies the world for itself. That is, once we start to recognize them as equal-this is the same as that-we begin to categorize them accordingly. ! Sluga illustrates how as human beings we say: "that this person which I just met a couple days ago is still the same person, although he has changed in slight ways, maybe he was wearing a cap back then." As human beings, we recognize there is a difference, but the difference is not important to us. In this process of equalization, man imposes schema and order on the world; and that is really the nature of interpretation and the will to power. II Contextualization of Nietzsche's Argument Having completed my analysis of Nietzsche's discussion in section 643, I would now like to move on to contextualize the implications of this claim with respect to perspectivism. To begin, section 636 we see how Nietzsche connects the concepts of perspective and interpretation with the concept of the will to power. According to Nietzsche, Physicists believe in a "true world" in their own fashion: a firm systematization of atoms in necessary motion, the same for all beings-so for them the "apparent world" is reduced to the side of universal and universally necessary being which is accessible to every being in its own way (accessible and also already adapted- made "subjective"). Physicist, in other words, are inclined towards a kind of metaphysics which says that there is a true reality different from the way it looks to us, namely, for physicist, it is the reality of atoms and their properties. Physicists

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Press Release September 2nd 2014 †Launch of Freelancer Profiles

Press Release September 2nd 2014 – Launch of Freelancer Profiles Press Release: September 2nd 2014 – Launch of Freelancer Profiles LONDON - 2/9/2014Self-publishing startup Reedsy officially launches today! Reedsy is excited to release to the public the first version of its website, progressively inviting editors and designers to join their marketplace over the course of the next 48 hours.Increasingly, authors are realising that publishing professionals don’t just work at the big publishing houses. This is what is making quality self-publishing possible. But where can authors find them? How do they know who they’re working with?That’s where Reedsy comes in. It helps authors collaborate with expert editors, book designers, marketers and translators to take their books to another level. Reedsy will only work with certified, industry-experienced freelancers so authors can find the best partners for their project.Reedsy will start by opening its marketplace to editors and book designers, the services no author can go without. Freelancers who are invited to the beta can sign up and create beautifu l profile pages. They can display the books they’ve worked on, the professional associations they belong to, and talk about the types of projects they’re looking to take on. Reedsy will be the first curated marketplace for publishing freelancers of its kind.But Reedsy’s founders’ vision is even more ambitious. â€Å"Reedsy will be an author’s secret weapon,† said Ricardo Fayet, one of the company’s co-founders. â€Å"Authors, whether they’re self-published or traditionally published, are only as good as the people they work with. Being a great writer is just one part of succeeding as an independent,† Ricardo said. â€Å"In a few weeks, we will be opening to authors, and letting them connect with our network of freelancers.†In time, authors will be able to use Reedsy as one place from which to manage every step of the publishing process. â€Å"We are working on a purpose-built eBook editor to make author-editor co llaboration easier than ever,† says Emmanuel Nataf.â€Å"It’s time to shake things up in the publishing industry. We want to combine the high standards of traditional publishing and the freedom and author-driven creativity of self-publishing. We want to take the ‘self’ out of self-publishing† concluded Emmanuel.Reedsy was founded by Emmanuel Nataf, Ricardo Fayet, Matthew Cobb, and Vincent Durant in 2014. They work from IDEALondon in Shoreditch, London. In May they joined Seedcamp, Europe’s top accelerator, and are financially backed by Seedcamp and Scottish publisher DC Thomson. They have previously been covered by Techcrunch and ShakeupTV.For more information contact Ricardo Fayet at, or on +447957074543

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Grover Cleveland's Illegitimate Child Scanal Essay

Grover Cleveland's Illegitimate Child Scanal - Essay Example Hunter was a film-making staffer in his office. A comparison between the handling of the Cleveland’s case and the latter two cases reveals the significant transformation of America from a classical society that attempted to suppress such scandals to an open one in which guilty perpetrators are willing to admit their past mistakes publicly and show a sense of responsibility. This paper explores the impacts Cleveland’s illegitimate child scandal and the public response to such cases. Challenges of fighting sex scandals The US is better off in terms of surviving such scandals among political leaders (Wiid, Pitt and Engstrom 138). This is partly because the women, particularly those whose husbands have been caught up in these lies, are living testimonies of the historical female abuse in marriage relationships. In light of the long-standing challenges facing women, most of them tend to see child scandals as normal. As such, the problem has become so widespread among the pol itical elite that surviving them is relatively easy; especially once the media has directed extensive media coverage to other important issues affecting the society (Feschuk 85). Chotiner (5) has pointed out that prominent politicians have been at the forefront of these scandals, people who command huge following and admiration from the public. In light of this, these scandals have been misconstrued to mean private life events that have very little, if any bearing on the quality of services that the public is entitled to. This lack of concern on the part of the American public not only shows hypocrisy, it has resulted in repeated cases of child scandals by key leaders in the country (Berinsky et al 177). The repetitiveness of such cases affecting elected leaders has earned them some level of acceptance within the public domain, since forcing such leaders out of office has not been as easy as handling the conduct of the bureaucracy within government circles. Part of the issues that h ave aggravated such scandals by making the American public have a less serious approach to weeding out the perpetrators from public service is the effectiveness of some of the individuals in discharging their mandate (Chotiner 6). Most Americans would rather have an honest, apologetic political leader whose name has been tarnished by a child scandal, with an exemplary performance record to remain in office for the rest of his or her term than spend more time and resources replacing him. America survived Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, partly on this reasoning (Greenberg 52). Barring guilty would-be leaders from office Despite the virtual failure to bring all pre-existing holders of political offices to book over sex and illegitimate child scandals, most of the guilty would-be leaders have been successfully barred from holding public office. Senator John Edwards was a potential candidate for the vice-President of the United States five years ago, but was forced to abandon the race (Wiid, P itt, and Engstrom 141).  The leader’s ‘love child’ affair dented his image and leadership qualities when he misled his wife, and the country about the issue. Former South Carolina governor Mark Sanford was forced to call it quits in 2011 over a similar scandal.  His vocations in Argentina, it later emerged, were a scandal in which he admitted to using public funds to entertain his mistress. However, he has