Thursday, August 27, 2020
History of Canadian Labour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
History of Canadian Labor - Essay Example Activated by a contention between metal specialists and their managers, the fomentation quickly spread all through the city's common laborers. This paper is going to follow the development and improvement of the common laborers individuals throughout the entire existence of Canada somewhere in the range of 1880 and 1920. A careful evaluation of the period will be made concerning synchronous association and parting of the common laborers based on race, sexual orientation, district and abilities. The Knights of Labor made their quality felt by joining laborers of various kinds. Slowly the association spread its authority over unassuming communities and towns. It was in 1881 when Hamilton got one of the fortifications of the work association, trailed by Qubec and BC, Nova Scotia and Manitoba. The nearby neighboring zones of New Brunswick and Alberta were additionally parts of the 450 nearby congregations across Canada. Work legislative issues rose to unmistakable quality as the Knights of Labor change bunch facilitated and controlled the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada. Oneself administering work political battle, which assumed a critical job as far as development and improvement of regular workers militancy in Canada toward the finish of the nineteenth century, prompted parliamentary campaigning, along these lines bringing the most relevant issues of the average workers before political and managerial specialists. The major privileges of the common laborers individuals we re brought to see through escalated battling and catch up systems. The devotion of the Knights chiefs and all the more significantly, the unconstrained cooperation of works from all regions of manual works caused massively to transform the battle into an example of overcoming adversity. The Knights moved toward Ontario and the West in 1886, yet the significant accomplishment to the extent voicing people groups' privileges and requests is concerned came in Qubec and Ottawa during the 1890s. The advancement of regular workers associations in Canada preceding the World War II rushed up when the Knights of Labor association was constrained out on the ground of duality from the TLC at Berlin in 1902. The impact of the Knights of Labor on the average workers didn't concern only creation associations, however the purpose to control the restraining infrastructure and abuse of the contemporary industrialist social structure by creating options dependent on correspondence and equity. To expound besides on the theory point close by, one needs to increase an away from on the estimation of gifted works. In any general public, gifted works do have a high ground over bumbling works. The time of quick spread in industrialization required arrangement of productive works to expand yield in plants. During the range of forty years from 1880 to 1920, the common laborers society of Canada arranged network business to amplify creation. In Toronto, talented and experienced skilled workers practiced far more noteworthy authority over their bosses as far as creation. The person just as aggregate control of veteran works was viewed as a benefit in Canada in those occasions. The worker's organizations in Toronto and different spots acted candidly on picking the perfect individuals for the correct purpose. In any case, when the modern capitalization took steps to upset the equalization of the regular workers society, a dissent development was on the cards. All around, the working c las
Saturday, August 22, 2020
From the Bowery to Broadway Lew Fields and the Roots of American Popular Culture Essay Example For Students
From the Bowery to Broadway: Lew Fields and the Roots of American Popular Culture Essay Eight years really taking shape, From the Bowery to Broadway: Lew Fields and the Roots of American Popular Theater will be theater history with an epic breadth. At the focal point of this lively, lavishly nitty gritty expo of American Broadway from the 1880s to the Great Depression is a model American saint, a Jewish worker named Moses Schoenfeld who molded himself into Lew Fields, one of the experts of the early Broadway stage. Among the books,many temperances is that it salvages from the edge of obscurity a once-commended figure now to a great extent obscure to the general theater-opening up to the world, and recollected by masters for just one period of his mutable profession: his cooperation with Joe Weber as the Dutch comic couple Weber and Fields. Our impulse in starting the venture was to get some answers concerning family roots, said Marc Fields, who co-composed the book with his dad Armond, in an ongoing meeting. My dad, who was conceived in 1930, is the grandson of Lews senior sibling Max. We figured no one else would expound on Lew. Most the entertainment biz accounts are normally a progression of embarrassments and tales, yet we werent inspired by that. Something to be thankful for, as well, in light of the fact that, as the co-creator himself bears witness to, Lew Fields was basically a rigid Victorian in his standpoint: He didn't utilize the throwing lounge chair. He was just as gifted as Florenz Ziegfeld yet he isn't also known in light of the fact that, in contrast to Ziegfeld, he was not a womanizer. Fields was not one to build an overwhelming persona overflowing with sex and inner self. Offstage he was a given spouse and father with generally unassuming defects: He bet; he fumbled cash; he exhausted himself; and, in the same way as other workers, he was eager to delete his ethnic legacy so as to make American progress. Be that as it may, if Fieldss life was for all intents and purposes desolate so far as the tattle factor, and on the off chance that he is a connecting as opposed to a mythic hero, he is likewise, as his biographers plentifully archive, an uncommonly ripe figure in different ways. Fieldss vocation secured all the significant types of mainstream amusement of his day, from the minstrel show, vaudeville and assortment through revues, party, the book melodic and early quiet motion pictures. Mind and adroit dramatic skill In flickering point of interest, the creators re-make the Bowery blend out of which the extraordinary comic group of Weber and Fields was conceived. out of the outsider culture where they were both raised and the crude but effective assortment amusement of the time (before the structure became improved and started to call itself by the Frenchified name vaudeville), Weber and Fields formulated Mike and Meyer, a Dutch couple who ambushed each other verbally and genuinely. Their thump about, cross-fire schedules, peppered with malapropisms and miscommunication, mirrored the battles, the slips up and the moxie of the outsider crowds who came to snicker at themselves. Not substance to put Weber and Fields behind the glass of history, the creators put forth a persuading defense for them as harbingers of the political agitation dispersed by the Marx Brothers and the discourteous, practical contemporary parody of In Living Color and Saturday Night Live. When the new century rolled over, Weber and Fieldss vaudevilles, performed at their own Music Hall, were a darling Broadway convention mainstream diversions glimmering with mind and sharp dramatic artistry. Joe Weber was fulfilled to stay set up, reusing a similar fundamental equations, yet Fields became constrained to proceed onward thus the accomplices split, however they were to be brought together for various bring commitment back. In his endless endeavors to both reestablish himself as an entertainer and reconsider and reshape the showy configurations he had acquired, Fields turned into a melodic performance center pioneer whose modernizing contacts helped lead the exit from the good fortune of nineteenth century assortment into the liquid, consistent lucidness of the book melodic. A long way from terminating his vocation as a relic, Fields during the 20s (with the assistance of his two youngsters, librettist Herbert and lyricist Dorothy, whom he had endeavored to disallow from professions in the theater) created a progression of audacious, exceptional musicals like Peggy Ann, Chee-Chee, Hit the Deck and A Connecticut Yankee. .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 , .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 .postImageUrl , .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 , .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729:hover , .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729:visited , .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729:active { border:0!important; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729:active , .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content embellishment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u 7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Music as culture EssayHaving started his vocation when Puritanical enemy of dramatic preference despite everything recolored the calling, Fields attempted to accomplish decency. The endeavor seasoned his existence with enticing and regularly uncertain inconsistencies: He was a vaudeville comic who longed for the glory he felt just a profession as an emotional on-screen character could pass on; he was an entertainer who needed the innovative forces of a maker and a chief; he was a masterful maverick whose desire were sabotaged by the requests of the business commercial center he attempted both to hoist and to pacify. In any case, as the creators acknowledge, regardless of whether their subject never fully appears to-the capacity to make fulfilling well known diversion is no mean blessing. Longer tasks linesâ The big time is as much about the business as the show, Marc Fields says. We needed to exhibit that the business was as much a piece of a showmans life as the shows were. Here once more, Fields demonstrates a commendable figure. He was an early foe of the monopolistic Syndicate, whose merciless practices changed everlastingly the manner in which the business is led. What's more, in his long and wild relationship with the Shuberts (who tested and at last vanquished the Syndicate), Fields was presented direct to the school-of-sharks technique for how shows were financed, booked, steered and promoted. In 1906, after his break with Weber, Fields turned into an accomplice of the cash shrewd Shuberts. In contrast to them, nonetheless, Fields was a stickler who paid significant compensations to his representatives, recruited chorale lines that were bigger than those of any of his rivals, and spent a lot of his twenties. This compassion is confused by his suggestive appreciation for his own oppressors, clearly hetero figures like the more established harassers he wedded at Mettray, and American and French police officers and fighters. Fascinatingly repulsiveâ This exacting display of Genets sexuality, both in his composition and his own contacts, turns into a path for White to make Genets private articulation political. In an ongoing talk, White stated that Genet wrote to entice the hetero peruser. He proceeded to recommend that this intention was emphatically political in its endeavor to stand up to the surface integrity of Genets crowd with the wonderful human science of an outsider black market. Seen from what may be viewed as a standardizing viewpoint, this center suggests the creation of an other which is fascinatingly awful, an other that connotes an obscure area, unknown human experience, yet that draws in by seeming brutal and fundamental which loans Whites investigation of Genets mind a significance past the restricted furthest reaches of the craftsmen specific brain research, and infers that this memoir of Genet is additionally a sociohistoric bookkeeping of the way of life which made him what he was. Be that as it may, White appears to put himself outside the alluring intensity of Genet as other. His composing is clear and rich, reliably moving endlessly from the lavish metaphor of Genets own exposition. He endeavors to smooth where Genet trimmings, utilizing his definite research to get under the outside of Genets writings and into the functions of his brain. Be that as it may, as White knows, the writings (and the man) hold numerous layers of onion skin, layers that converge into one another to make an unpredictably designed texture that is at its center an excellent fantasy. For at the core of this book is a nonattendance, a gap around which all Whites words spin. An opening where
Friday, August 21, 2020
Features of Employment Relations Systems and their Impact on the Essay
Highlights of Employment Relations Systems and their Impact on the Position of Women in Labor Markets - Essay Example Diminished degrees of joblessness showed that couple of family units did not have a working grown-up. During this period, the greater part of those working in various organizations were secondary school drop-outs with an expected 33% of the all out populace of the United Kingdom working in the assembling and agrarian ventures. Be that as it may, the 21st century has seen nothing from what was just mentioned includes in still presence in numerous economies over the globe. Most, if not all occupations are presently equitably circulated over all sexes with a large group of family units in every nation having more than one part in the work power. Actually, the consistent ascent in joblessness rates is a pointer that there are various families wherein no part is utilized or has an unmistakable occupation. An expansion in training and improved proper structures for learning has seen an ascent in the quantity of secondary school graduates and school/college graduates also; henceforth an exp anded mass of HR accessible to the market. Also, the rise of different fields and additionally ventures, for example, fund, business benefits just as property the board, building and development administrations has brought about the formation of more steady employments than the assembling and rural division could give. ... The Employment Relationship A representative relations framework can be alluded to as a lawful idea utilized by associations as well as establishments in various nations worldwide to allude to the connection between a business and their representatives for whom the workers play out specific exercises (work) under characterized systems and conditions yet as a byproduct of pay or potentially compensation. Representative relations help the business and the worker to come up or create commitments and rights to oversee the exhibition of both the representative and the business towards the achievement of their individual associations or potentially establishments. Over period, this instrument has gone about as a medium through which representatives access different advantages, commitments and rights that are identified with work as for government managed savings and laws of work. As indicated by Verma (2003), ââ¬Å"an worker relations framework is the key perspective for deciding the natu re and degree of employersââ¬â¢ rights and commitments towards their employees.â⬠(p. 519). Today, exceptional changes are occurring in the contemporary universe of work with specific worry on the work showcase. These progressions have prompted ensuing development of new sorts or rather types of work connections. Subsequently, advertise adaptability has been expanded just as an expansion in the quantity of workers unsure of their status of business and in this manner dropping out of the typical assurance extent of business connections. This is a test that is depicted by the International Labor Officeââ¬â¢s Director as follows: ââ¬Å"The State has a key task to carry out in making an empowering institutional structure to adjust the requirement for adaptability for endeavors and security for laborers in satisfying the changing needs of a worldwide economy. At
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Ethical Leadership Is Mostly About Leadership Integrity....
Introduction In the current society today, the roles that leaders play in an organisation are much more significant and are studied in greater depth. The importance of ethically managing an organization and leading the entire organization towards a similar purpose and message requires great leadership. With this, we would look further into the practice of ethical leadership; how itââ¬â¢s defined and attempt to provide a more comprehensive understanding of ethical leadership and itââ¬â¢s relation with integrity. What is Ethical Leadership? Firstly, Ethics is a philosophical term that is related to the prescription and description of moral principles that guides peopleââ¬â¢s behaviours, suggesting that there are ââ¬Å"acceptableâ⬠and ââ¬Å"unacceptable,â⬠asâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In other words, this matrix has help to show that as much as integrity is important to becoming an ethical leader; we should not neglect the fact that it is equally important for a person to possess those qualities of a moral manager. Both forms must apparently exist given the obvious social responsibility and power a leader naturally possess. This point would be further supported as we move deeper into this topic. Moving on, there are six key attributes that characterise an ethical leader. They are character and integrity, people oriented, ethical awareness, motivating, managing ethical accountability and encouraging and empowering (Resick, Hanges, Dickson Mitchelson 2006). This further highlights the multi dimensional aspects required of an ethical leader, rather than primarily focusing on ethical integrity. Ethical awareness is based on the moral philosophy of the consequences of decisions and actions. As Resick, Hanges, Dickson Mitchelson (2006) states, it is impossible for a leader to act ethically if he is unable to identify the ethical issue present. This could bring about detrimental effect on perceived ethical leadership, even if the leader has ethical integrity. It is also a requirement for an ethical leader to be people oriented and be aware of how their actions will impact onShow MoreRelatedEthical Leadership Is Mostly About Leadership Integrity2938 Words à |à 12 PagesTopic 2: Ethical leadership is mostly about leadership integrity. Discuss. Introduction A recent study conducted in 2010 among UK and some European companies, revealed that the most prominent ethical issues to organisations includes harassment, bribery, corruption and facilitation payments, and whistle blowing (Wesley et al. 2011). Thus, it is important that ethics must indeed embark from the top. Leaders cannot escape from their responsibility to establish a moral example for their followers.Read MoreEnrons Ethics Code Of Enron1552 Words à |à 7 Pagestheir life savings. This article focuses on Enronââ¬â¢s ethics code, Enronââ¬â¢s failure of top leadership, Enronââ¬â¢s corporate culture and Enronââ¬â¢s complicity. On the other hand, I will discuss the lessons I learnt from Enron case. Keywords: Enronââ¬â¢s ethics code, Enronââ¬â¢s failure of top leadership, Enronââ¬â¢s corporate culture, Enronââ¬â¢s complicity, lessons learnt from Enron case Enronââ¬â¢s ethics code Respect, integrity, communication and excellence are the ethics code of Enron. These four aspects have a crucialRead MoreEthical Issues Surrounding Corporate Excesses Essay1362 Words à |à 6 Pagesyears have made it difficult for patients to afford their life-saving medication as well. Another company that has been pulled in front of Congress to answer for their extreme increase of a lifesaving drug and that company is Mylan. There are many ethical issues surrounding this case with CEO Heather Bresch, her salary increases went hand in hand with the increased price of the EpiPen, not to mention how she acquired the position she holds with the company. In an Article written by Edward Cox (2016)Read MoreEnron s Ethics Code Of Enron Essay943 Words à |à 4 Pageslost their life savings. This article focuses on Enronââ¬â¢s ethics code, Enronââ¬â¢s failure of top leadership, Enronââ¬â¢s corporate culture and Enronââ¬â¢s complicity. On the other hand, I will discuss the lesso ns I learnt from Enron case. Keywords: Enronââ¬â¢s ethics code, Enronââ¬â¢s failure of top leadership, Enronââ¬â¢s corporate culture, Enronââ¬â¢s complicity, lessons learnt from Enron case Enronââ¬â¢s ethics code Respect, integrity, communication and excellence are the ethics code of Enron. These four aspects have a crucialRead MoreCharacteristics of Leader Effectiveness Essay1472 Words à |à 6 PagesCharacteristics of Leader Effectiveness An effective leader is someone who is passionate about their goals and knows how to motivate, inspire, and influence others to come together and work as one to reach a common goal and conduct compelling and important changes. The realization of some kind of qualitative or quantitative result because of the actions and influences of an organizations leader is essentially how to evaluate their effectiveness. The characteristics of effectiveness, of courseRead MoreFace The Complexity Involved For Making Ethical Choices1612 Words à |à 7 Pagesââ¬Å"Face the complexity involved in making ethical choices.â⬠- Linda Fischer Thornton Identify and discuss the influences (family, culture, religion, etcâ⬠¦) on your personal ethics. Analyze and discuss these influences in relation to one or more classical ethics philosophies (deontology, utilitarianism, etcâ⬠¦). Reflect and comment on the Georgetown Ethos in light of the influences on your personal ethics. Ethics act as a basis of distinguishing between right and wrong and thus, determine whatRead MoreThe Ethics Code Of Enron1586 Words à |à 7 PagesEnronââ¬â¢s ethics code Respect, integrity, communication and excellence are the ethics code of Enron. These four aspects have a crucial impact on business ethics. ââ¬Å"Ethics requires respect. One cannot exist without the other. Ethical success depends on understanding the profound impact that respect has on your ethics and character.â⬠As Mark S. Putnam said in his article ââ¬Å"Respect: The Starting Point for Good Ethicsâ⬠(2003), we need to make respect our obligation and show everyone a certain degree of respectRead MoreThe Organizational Structure : Mission, Vision And Values3698 Words à |à 15 PagesIntroduction (The Organizational Structure ââ¬â Mission, Vision and Values) Every long term vision strategy is most likely centered on building an ethical organization. It is critical for an organization to have core set of values and principles to establish its identity. Identity is a key component of helping others to understand what it is that the employees are trying to accomplish. Developing a mission, vision and values statement is the foundation to a companyââ¬â¢s identity and structure. TheseRead MoreMilitary Ethics1692 Words à |à 7 PagesMilitary Ethics This paper will discuss the topic of military ethics using the utilitarian theory. It will also incorporate the ethical system of virtue ethics. ââ¬Å"Military ethics is about our learning what is good and true and then having the courage to do and be what and who we ought to. For military ethics is not about his or her successes or failures; it is not about their virtues or vices. Military ethics is about our heritage and history, and it is about our responsibility to be men and womenRead MoreLeadership At Cheap 2 Buy Shop Essay2951 Words à |à 12 Pages RESEARCH ON LEADERSHIP AT CHEAP 2 BUY SHOP STUDENT NAME: RAVI BABARIYA LECTURER NAME: ASIF KHAN INTRODUCTION I want to write this research on cheap 2 buy shop leadership because I am very close to it. The main purpose of this assignment is learn more about leadership of the manager of cheap 2 buy store. If I talk about research report of leadership is the way which thought I could actually know that how is managing so that I learn about their leadership style and skills. With the help
Friday, May 15, 2020
Using Sentence Connectors to Express Complex Ideas
Once you have mastered the basics of correct usage in written English, you will want to express yourself in increasingly complex ways. Sentence connectors are used to express relationships between ideas and to combine sentences and are one of the best ways to improve and add sophistication to your writing.à Sentence connectors are also referred to as linking language. There are a number of forms of sentence connections such as: Conjunctions, which connect two simple ideas: The teacher discussed French and German history. Coordinating conjunctions, whichà connect two phrases or simple sentences: Jennifer would like to visit Rome, and she would like to spend some time in Naples. Subordinating conjunctions, whichà connect a dependent and an independent clause: Just as its important to win, its important to play the game.à Conjunctive adverbs are used to connect one sentence to another: Children get plenty of exercise at our school. Similarly, they enjoy extensive art programs. Prepositions must be used with nouns rather than full phrases: Like Seattle, Tacoma is located on the Puget Sound in the state of Washington. Sentence connectors are used for many tasks. For example they can indicateà additional information. Not only do students have to take weekly tests, but they are also required to take pop-quizzes throughout the term.The company needs to invest more heavily in research and development. In addition, we need to improve our manufacturing facilities. Sentence connectors can indicate oppositionà or contrast between ideas.à Mary asked for another week to complete the project although she had already spent three weeks in preparation.Despite the economic growth of the past eight years, most middle class citizens are having difficult making ends meet. à Connectors can alsoà show the cause and effectà of certain actions or when explaining the reasons for decisions. We decided to hire three more employees because sales were increasing rapidly.The sales department developed a new marketing campaign. As a result, sales have risen by more than 50% over the last six months.à English also uses sentence connectors toà contrast information. On the one hand, they have improved their language skills. On the other hand, they still need to improve their understanding of basic math.Unlike the nineteenth century, the twentieth century saw science become the leading subject in universities around the world.à Finally, use subordinating conjunctions such as if or unless toà express conditionsà when connecting ideas in English.à Unless Tom can complete the project by the end of next week, we wont win the contract with the city government.à Focus your energies on your studies while at college. Otherwise, youll be left with a lot of debt and no diploma.à Type of Connector Connector(s) Examples Coordinating Conjunction and...too High level positions are stressful, and can be harmful to your health too.Customers are satisfied with our sales, and they feel our marketing team is friendly too. Subordinating conjunction just as Just as high level positions are stressful, they can be harmful to your health.Just as students need a vacation from studies, employees require some downtime in order to bring their best efforts to work. Conjunctive adverbs similarly, in comparison High level positions are stressful at times. Similarly, they can be harmful to your health.Students from Asian countries tend to be excellent at grammar. In comparison, European students often excel in conversational skills. Prepositions like, similar to Similar to other important professions, high level business positions are stressful at times.Like the healthy pursuit of free time activities, success in the workplace or at school is essential to a well-rounded individual.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Descriptive Essay - Original Writing - 829 Words
Tââ¬â¢was a gloomy day in my hometown of Coupeville, Seattle. The clouds were gray and the air was crisp. I was strolling down a winding path with barren trees to nothingness. It was a path I had taken before, but today it seemed a bit different. With every step I took, I could hear the crunching of the dead leaves. I could only see two feet in front of me because the fog was thicker than blood. There was a sinister feeling within the air. The wind felt brisk against my skin. I ambled down the path. As I was walking, I passed by a desolate house that I didnââ¬â¢t recognize. As I passed by, I felt a chill trickle down my spine. The house was a meager little cottage, but it seemed to hold something more inside. The wood panels were drab, ashen, withâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦As I was promenading down the stairs, I picked something up and found some type of animal remains. I kept moving forward and stumbled upon a dimly lit room with only one thing in the center; a coffin. I b egan to walk towards it in fear, pondering my fate. Each step I took towards this transcendental coffin, was another step towards an unforeseen fate. I was frightened, but I was also intrigued. My conscious kept telling me to turn back , but my body was subconsciously pulling me forward. With every aching second, my shaking hand slowly began to move closer to the coffin. Time was moving slowly to the point where it stopped completely and my heart began to beat faster than the speed of light. I reached over toward the handle on the coffin, and lifted it with a prim motion. Inside was something far more bloodcurdling than I had ever seenâ⬠¦ I saw myself. It seemed that I was the monster people feared. The body in the casket, my body, was paler than snow. My eyes were glazed over like tinted glass and I reeked of something awful. How could I be the monster? My head hurt with confusion. I was always described as a pleasing person. There was not a heinous bone in my body. Next to the casket, there was an hourglass, which was almost full and moving quite slow. The closer I approached to the body, the faster it went. What was happening? I reluctantly grazed my finger upon the cheek of my body. I wasnââ¬â¢t sure what, but I knowShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1110 Words à |à 5 PagesI donââ¬â¢t know how I got to where I am, but Iââ¬â¢m here now, and I have to win if I want to live. I am in a game, and in order to live, I have to escape. Thatââ¬â¢s the thing, though: I donââ¬â¢t know how to escape. I was running for my life around this old house that looked like it came straight out of a horror movie. I doubled over and held my head in pain as I saw the static, which meant it was coming. I was being chased by what looked like a person but in no way acted like one. Just as it was about to appearRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1102 Words à |à 5 PagesIt is on days like this when we stop to think about our life. Sm all drops of rain begin to dapple the cobblestone pavement as people whip out their umbrellas for cover. I continue sauntering down the busy street, relishing the feeling of a light shower. Moving with the mass of pedestrians, I stop at a crosswalk where I wait for the stoplight to turn green. A flower shop employee across the street scurries to bring in the numerous bouquets and close the doors as rain starts rolling down the displayRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing914 Words à |à 4 PagesDreamy I thought. Standing on the corner is a young guy with a smile. I see him here almost every day, so I linger for a while. He tells me his name, and I tell him mine. I m Ester, what s your name? I enquired. My names David .,He replied. We end up talking for a while and I asked him if he had ever left this city. He tells me of all these stories of the places where he s been, the distant lakes and mountains, and in valleys oh so green. I can see it in his eyes, he really has beenRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing974 Words à |à 4 Pages I was used to moving round, having a mother who liked to travel more than making roots was something I had gotten used to. Still, I had never gotten used to the loneliness of an empty house when she was out exploring, or the feeling of leaving behind someone who could have meant something to me. Our most recent move was Oregon. It was pretty, and I didnââ¬â¢t mind it, but it was much different than Florida. Not only was it opposite sides of the country, it felt as if it were opposite worlds. InRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1012 Words à |à 5 Pageshave plenty of time in the next month to think about my feeling in regards to Kendrick. I needed to finish up the article and get it off to my editor. I should be able to get it done by tonight and send an email in the morning. I was thinking of writing my next article about the sea life around the Scottish coast. Since our salmon dinner last evening I thought I would do a piece about the commercial salmon farming that began in Scotland in 1969. In 2002 over 145,000 metric tons of farmed AtlanticRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1561 Words à |à 7 PagesThereââ¬â¢s something I need to say and what follows may not be something that youââ¬â¢d expect, it wonââ¬â¢t be heartening or uplifting. If you remember today, I told you about going somewhere I wanted to go toâ⬠¦ Iââ¬â¢m not sure if you believed and accepted what I now confess as untrue; it is partly. I needed to pull away emo tionallyâ⬠¦ from you. You must have had fathomed that some degree of formality had seeped between us. Born of habit, formulaic greetings had become a routine. You presume that Iââ¬â¢m a close friendRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1387 Words à |à 6 PagesI was wearing a beautiful blue dress with sapphire gems all around the chest area as I entered the ball with Ciel and Sebastian. I took a good look around here, the hallway was lined with gold. There was a servant ready to escort us to the ball room. Hello, come this way. He said, walking forward. Wow, this place is so fancy! I exclaimed, looking around. It s fake gold. Ciel bluntly replied, bringing my hopes down. I sighed. Ciel sounded like he wasn t in a very good mood. Ciel, lightenRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1287 Words à |à 6 Pages In the morning, Caireann woke me up. She stood above my bed, shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes, looking at her. Then I looked across the room to her empty bed. Andy s empty bed sat in the corner. I swallowed, climbing out of bed. Sleep well? Caireann asked me, starting out the door. Yeah, I said, going over to our small dresser. I had the bottom two drawers. Andy had the middle two, and Caireann had the top. I pulled open the drawers, pulling on a colorful tank top and a grayRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1345 Words à |à 6 PagesLater that night, I was behind the wheel of my G-Wagon with Melissa in the passenger seat. She didnââ¬â¢t feel like driving since she was on the road all day and I understood so I didnââ¬â¢t mind when she asked me to. I had been tight-lipped. She kept eyeballing me as if she detected that something was bothering me but I just kept singing to my India Arie as if I was carefree. ââ¬Å"So are you going to tell me whatââ¬â¢s going on or noâ⬠Melissa said disrupting my own personal concert. I stopped singing and tookRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1085 Words à |à 5 PagesI WAS SITTING IN a taxi, wondering if I had overdressed for the evening, when I looked out the window and saw Mom rooting through a Dumpster. It was just after dark. A blustery March wind whipped the steam coming out of the manholes, and people hurried along the sidewalks with their collars turned up. I was stuck in traffic two blocks from the party where I was heading. Mom stood fifteen feet away. She had tied rags around her shoulders to keep out the spring chill and was picking through the trash
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Capital Budgeting and Investment Decisions
Question: Discuss about the Capital Budgeting and Investment Decisions. Answer: Introduction: The issues on capital budgeting includes expansion of cricket apparel and replacement of lighting system of the warehouse because the existing lighting system was overloaded. First issue in the present situation involves investment opportunity in cricket apparel since the market trends provides stability in the present economy (Dellavigna and Pollet 2013). Another option in the first issue involves leasing of building along with the acquisition of plant and equipments. Considering the situation, analysis on capital budgeting would be considered using the method of Net Present Value, which is determined as the difference between present value of cash inflows and outflows (Gtze, Northcott and Schuster 2015). If the outcome is positive, it indicates the project is worth considering since it generates earnings using the concept of time value of money. The project on cricket apparel expansion incorporates investment of $85,000 along with the investment in plant and equipment costing $350,000 for the period of five years. Amount $ Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Investment amount 85,000 plant and equipment 350,000 Depreciation @15% 48,150 ($350,000- $29,000) * 15% Sales 280,000 316,400 357,532 343,231 329,501 Cost of the project 150,000 153,000 156,060 159,181 162,365 Discounting rate 14% 0.877 0.769 0.674 0.592 0.519 Present values: Sales 245,560 243,312 240,977 203,193 171,011 Fixed Cost of the project 131,550 117,657 105,184 94,235 84,267 Variable cost 11% of revenue 27,012 26,764 26,507 22,351 18,811 Investment amount 74,545 Plant and equipment 306,950 Net present value (Total inflow - total outflow) -294,497 98,890 109,285 86,606 67,933 Total net present value 68,217 (Source: Created by Author) Considering the determination of net present value from the proposed project, it has been measured that the outcome is positive $68,217 hence acceptance of project is recommended. Further, the applicable tax rate is 30% that provides net expected profit amounted to $68,217* 70% = $47,752. Moreover, it has been estimated that projected sales would decline by 4% during fourth and fifth years while increase in sales in the initial years was 13%. Estimated working capital for operating the project involves 12% on the sales revenue of the subsequent year and estimated profit after tax amounted to $15,000 would be cannibalized from the existing business. Therefore, net profit after considering the cannibalizing amounted to $47,752- $15,000 = $32,752 which is positive hence, the project is recommended to be accepted. Considering the second issue on replacement of warehouse lighting system, three different systems have been considered. All the three different systems have different useful life therefore, annualized net present value will be considered to determine the most feasible system that can be implemented for replacing the lighting system (Zhang, Huang and Zhang 2015). Cost Useful life Net cash outflow $ Annuity factor @14% Present value of cash outflow Total outflow Annualized cash outflow First system $7,000 5 years 800 per year 3.431 2744.8 $9,745 $1,948.96 Second system $10,500 10 years 700 per year 8.511 5957.7 $16,458 $1,645.77 Third system $17,500 20 years 80 per year 10.822 865.76 $18,366 $918.29 (Source: Created by Author) Annualized net present value is considered when the project has different duration accordingly, in the present issue three different systems have unequal duration (Doss et al. 2015). As per the calculation, it has been observed that the total net cash outflow is least in the third system amounted to $918.29 whereas replacement cost in other two systems is high. In addition, annual cash outflow in the third system is also least compared to other two systems amounted to $800 and $700 respectively even though the initial investment cost is highest in the third system. Further, the useful life expectancy in first two systems is less than that of third system, accordingly, it can be said that the operating activity of third system will be more beneficial and is recommended to be replaced. Reference List Dellavigna, S. and Pollet, J.M., 2013. Capital budgeting versus market timing: An evaluation using demographics.The Journal of Finance,68(1), pp.237-270. Doss, D.A., Jones, D.W., Sumrall, W., Henley, R., McElreath, D., Lackey, H. and Gokaraju, B., 2015. A net present worth analysis of considered academic programs at a private, regional higher education institution.Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education,4(1), p.55. Gtze, U., Northcott, D. and Schuster, P., 2015. Capital Budgeting and Investment Decisions. InInvestment Appraisal(pp. 3-26). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Zhang, Q., Huang, X. and Zhang, C., 2015. A mean-risk index model for uncertain capital budgeting.Journal of the Operational Research Society,66(5), pp.761-770.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Human Resource free essay sample
In this essay the issues of Incentive Rewards, safety in the workplace, employee benefits, and implementing compensation. Also included in the essay is interviewee research, a pre interview reflection, the interview questions, and the conclusion. Interviewee Research For this project I have decided to interview my cousin Chris Noring. Chris is one of the head executives for Aldiââ¬â¢s grocery store. He is the head of administration. Before he was in the corporate office, he was a Store District Manager for several grocery stores in eastern Iowa. His job included training store managers, hiring personal, and made sure all of the stores were run properly and up to federal regulations. Aldiââ¬â¢s grocery stores are a national chain of grocery stores that specialize in discount food items. ââ¬Å"ALDI entered the U. S. market in 1976, with a handful of stores in southeastern Iowa. Now, over 1,000 U. S. ALDI stores are spreading the savings from Kansas to the East Coast. We will write a custom essay sample on Human Resource or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In its 2008 report, Supermarket News ranked ALDI 25th in U. S. grocery chains in terms of gross salesââ¬âa considerable accomplishment given our select assortment and low prices. (www. Aldi. com) The companyââ¬â¢s philosophy is ââ¬Å"Everything we do, from selecting suppliers to scouting locations to building and operating stores, facilitates savings substantial enough to impact your every-day living. â⬠(www. Aldi. com) The company claims it is successful because of a simple motto. ââ¬Å"Aldiââ¬â¢s is convinced that long-term business success can only be achieved if we additionally assume responsibility for people, nature and the environment. This belief is reflected in our CR Policyâ⬠. Pre-Interview Reflection My goal for this interview is to obtain firsthand knowledge and get a better understanding on what people who work with human resources do. What better way than to learn from a family member. I expect to learn about what the book sayââ¬â¢s about the subject and actually apply it to real life situations. Some of the benefits are gaining knowledge strait from the source, gaining firsthand knowledge, and helping me make better HR related decision latter in my career. Some things that I should consider before I meet is my dress attire. It is essential to make a good impression (even if it is a family member. I should also consider asking him what other things I can do to help better my chances of getting a better career. Interview Questions Incentive rewards How do you set performance measures? What technique do you use? At Aldiââ¬â¢s we believe that the people are the most important part of the company because they provide the stepping stone for the organization. Our Store manager s and their employees use a standard hourly pay system while the store managers are mostly salary. Each store manager receives a bonus if they meet over a certain goal. Employees receive annual bonuses as an incentive. We set goals and standards that should be met by each store and if they do exceed expectations we feel they should be fairly compensated. Which pay system does Aldiââ¬â¢s use and why is it most effective? Pay by the hour for store employees while management starts off with a base salary with yearly increases. It gives managers time to work at their own time while still being fairly compensated and store employees can work their scheduled hours and still be compensated. What are the benefits and downturns off short and long term benefits? Short term benefits can only keep the employee happy for a short time, long term benefits are a great because it gives the employee a chance to have a 401k plan, pension plan, and a health insurance plan. We would like to keep all of our district managers for a long time. They make the company what it is today. Is it better to have group team compensation or individual compensation? What does Aldiââ¬â¢s use? Why do they use that method? We use individual compensation because we feel that each individual has a responsibility with the company and most of the branches in the company involve individual managers. What sort of incentive programs do you believe works the best for your employees? Long term benefits such as a retirement and health plan. It keeps the employee happy and it keeps them happy after their time at Aldiââ¬â¢s. We also offer a stock option plan for employees so if they would like to invest in the company they can. I personally like the stock option plan because it provides an income after retirement. Safety in the workplace What are the challenges of maintaining a safe work environment? Since we are a grocery store, we do have merchandise on high shelves. We emphasize to our store managers that the employee should seek assistants if they need help. We had a case years ago when an employee had a box of meat fall on her and she ended needing surgery. We try to emphasize safety first. We donââ¬â¢t want anyone getting hurt. How do you meet federal standards? The employee reads the employee handbook so the employee knows what the guidelines are. We also meet the food standards set by the USDA. Why is it important to have a safe workplace? We want to have everyone happy. We donââ¬â¢t want a bad reputation for Aldiââ¬â¢s grocery store so safety is first. How do you prepare your employees for a crisis in the workplace if one would arise? We have all of the possible scenarios in the handbook and during the training process we train the employee on each of the scenario. Employee Benefits What kinds of benefits does Aldiââ¬â¢s offer to its employees? 401k, health and dental, paid vacation, paid training How do you balance the benefit cost? This is tough, we try to balance our budget year and we rarely lay off employees. We tell our managers not to hire any additional help if they donââ¬â¢t need it. The employee picks their What are the challenges of having a large number employees with health insurance? When I first started at Aldiââ¬â¢s as the district manager back in 2004, the cost of health insurance has nearly doubled. As a result of having larger cost in health insurance we have had to budget more properly. We donââ¬â¢t want to lay off anyone, so we try to cut back on some unnecessary expenses that can be avoided. How do these benefits motivate the workplace? Having such good benefits, the employee wants to stay at the organization for the long term. The employee is happy with their job and it thus increases their performance. The company thrives Employee Rights How do you ensure moral practices in the workplace? By ensuring that every employee is properly trained on the subject. Part of our managerial training involves having every manager trained about moral ethics. We donââ¬â¢t want discrimination or other negligence in the workplace. Having discrimination causes other employees to not have a sense of security in the workplace. How would you handle a sexual harassment case? Aldiââ¬â¢s has a strict sexual harassment policy. The employee would be notified about the case and proper action would be taken. This can include suspension or possibly termination if the case is serious enough. How do you comply with federal regulations when it comes to privacy rights? We follow the federal guidelines by training our employees on what the regulations are and make sure that managers are enforcing the laws. What surveillance methods and monitoring do you feel work the best? We have general surveillance cameras, our goal is stop shoplifting and I feel it provides a sense of security to the customers knowing that they are protected inside the store. Post-Interview Reflection Incentive rewards According to Chris, after customers, employeeââ¬â¢s are the most important part of any organization. He said, ââ¬Å"At Aldiââ¬â¢s we believe that the people are the most important part of the company because they provide the stepping stone for the organization. â⬠This is why it is it is important to provide an incentive for good performance. According to the textbook, ââ¬Å"Incentive plans crate an operating environment that champions a philosophy of shared commitment through the belief that every individual contributes to organizational performance and success. The overall goal for Aldiââ¬â¢s and any other company is to lower labor costs, improve customer satisfaction, and expand product markets. To do this, each individual in the organization must contribute to overall success of the corporation. Chris has found out that long term incentive rewards work the best because it keeps the employee motivated to work their throughout their own personal career. Measurement is the key to the success of incentive plans because it communicates the importance of established goals. At Aldiââ¬â¢s, each store has a goal that they would like to see meet, if the store meets goal, or even exceeds it, they are given a bonus. Chris feels this is a great incentive reward because it keeps the employees motivated to work hard. If Aldiââ¬â¢s didnââ¬â¢t offer this reward, he feels the company wouldnââ¬â¢t be as successful. Most store employees are paid on a standard hour plan at Aldiââ¬â¢s excluding the managers. The managers are paid on a yearly salary with increases in pay every year plus bonus incentives. Chris feels this is the most effective pay system because It gives managers time to work at their own time while still being fairly compensated and store employees can work their scheduled hours and still be compensated. Employees also have the option of buying stock in the company. According to the textbook, ââ¬Å"by allowing employees to purchase stock the organization hopes they will increase their productivity, assume a partnership role, and thus cause the stock price to rise. I feel this is the most effective incentive reward because it gives the employee a sense of ownership in the company and they feel ââ¬Å"importantâ⬠to the overall success of the corporation. Employee Benefits Another part of the incentive program which involves indirect compensation is employee benefits. According to the Employee Benefits Research Institute, ââ¬Å"By December 2010, benefit costs as a percentage of total compensation costs were 30. 3 percent. â⬠And the textbook said that on average $21,527. With rising employee benefits cost, it is important for employers to balance out the benefits without putting a major financial burden on the company. Chris said this wasnââ¬â¢t part of his job but Aldiââ¬â¢s head human resource manager balances the budget by cutting back on some expenses such as fuel and payroll expenses. The textbook states that ââ¬Å"The major approaches used to contain the costs of health care benefits include reduction in coverage, increased deductibles, or copayments, and increased coordination of benefits to make sure the same expense is not paid by more than one insurance reimbursement. Aldiââ¬â¢s offers it employees several benefits including: Health and dental (HMO) , 401k, paid vacation, and paid training. Having these benefits should try to recruit the best people for the job. Having such good benefits allows Aldiââ¬â¢s to have top personal in the corporate office and in the local stores. Chris sayââ¬â¢s that the workers are happy with having such good benefits and it results in better sales and customer satisfaction. The textbook states that, ââ¬Å"Creating a benefits program with a personal responsibility frameworks represents an economic opportunity for employers by lowering medical cost and achieving higher employer productivity and higher employer productivity and greater retirement readiness for employees. Safety in the Work Place Every year thousands of accidents occur in the workplace that could have been avoided. It is essential for HR managers to enforce the safety in the workplace that way injuries donââ¬â¢t occur. According to Chris, Aldiââ¬â¢s sends its store managers to seminars so they know the proper procedures. Since the store manager is trained on safety, it is essential that they train their employees properly to avoid accidents. Chris remembers an incident when he was a district manager where a lady hurt herself trying to get a box of food from the top shelf. The incident cost the companyââ¬â¢s thousands of dollars in lawsuits that could have been avoided if the store manager had properly handled the situation. According to the book, ââ¬Å"One of a supervisorââ¬â¢s major responsibilities is to communicate to an employee the need to work safely. Beginning with new employee orientation, safety should be emphasized continually. â⬠It is essential that managers enforce safety guidelines because it cost 50 billion dollars to employers each year in compensation. Employee Rights Employee rights are a natural result of the evolution of societal, business, and employee interest. The books definition of employee rights is, ââ¬Å"The guarantee of fair treatment that employees expect in protection of their employment status. Employee rights are a major concern for Aldiââ¬â¢s. Chris states that . We donââ¬â¢t want discrimination or other negligenceââ¬â¢s in the workplace. Having discrimination causes other employees to not have a sense of security in the workplace. Sexual harassment is a major issue now a dayââ¬â¢s and Aldiââ¬â¢s trains it employees about the subject so they are aware of the consequences. On some circumstances, Aldiââ¬â¢s has terminated jobs of violators of their harassment policy. I feel this is the appropriate measure to take because having that individual in the work places causes the other employees to feel uncomfortable while working. Aldiââ¬â¢s uses surveillance cameras in the stores for several reasons that include prevention of theft and monitoring the employees. In rare cases, surveillance cameras have been used at Aldiââ¬â¢s to discover that an employee had taken money from the cash register. If it hadnââ¬â¢t been for the cameras, the person may have never been caught. Other Once again I did learn a lot about the duties that an HR manager faces on a daily basis. I am thankful to gain this knowledge from a family member. It gives me a whole other perspective about his job that a textbook cannot teach. With my new knowledge that I acquired, I will use it for future references if a situation would ever arise. It is nice to know these things for the development of my career. I honestly would not have done anything different from the interview or give him advice on the company. Aldiââ¬â¢s is a very successful company because of the corporate office. I would tell him to keep up the good work instead. Follow-up I was very grateful interview Chris for this project because a day before I interviewed him, his wife had a baby and he didnââ¬â¢t have to help me out but he did and I am very thankful. I sent him an email thanking him for the time he took out of his busy life to help me out. Conclusion After reading this essay, we have learned what duties an HR manager faces on a daily basis. We have learned incentive reward programs, safety in the workplace, employee benefits, and employee rights and discipline. It is essential that an HR manager complies with the law while making decisions and make sure that every decision is moral. It is their responsibility to be fair and equal to promote wellness in the workplace.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
buy custom Cheating in Sports - Baseball Problems
buy custom Cheating in Sports - Baseball Problems Sports Does Matter Article 'Why Sports Matter' byWilfred Sheed Wilfred Sheeds article Why Sports Matter focuses on how sports have changed over the past 150 years. He emphasizes on the importance of sports in peoples life and underlines that it can significantly shape their lives for the better. Sports can help people to understand what they can do and to know what they want to be. This implies that sports build up character and prepare one to fight for what he or she wants to do in life. Cheating and CHEATING by Joe Posnanski is an article that explores cheating in baseball game, which has been there since the game started. He believes that there has never been a fair baseball game. Players have been using steroid, amphetamine and other preparation sin order to cheat since the baseball game was first introduced. This paper shows comparison between Wilfred Sheeds and Joe Posnanskis articles on sports analyzing their ideas and the style of writing.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Review #3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Review #3 - Essay Example The appearance of hand axes is evidenced in the Lower Paleolithic period as used by the Homo erectus. The initial radiation Homo erectus is found to emerge from Africa and Eurasia. The evolution of this species of Homo sapiens dates back to approximately 160,000 years from both Africa and Eurasia. Ultimately, Homo sapiens are described as more civilized humans, with the appearance of bows and arrows being linked to Homo sapiens sapiens in the past 10, 000 years. The five part discussion in this article have an historical significance to the humans as they help in understanding the origin of mankind. From the 5 parts of the article it is possible to ascertain that human beings have through the evolution become wiser, from one ancient period the other. This is crucial to human understanding that every generation that emerges is always at a better intellection capability than the preceding one. Lastly, the entire five parts of the article focuses on the origin of humankind based on many assumptions that do not embrace a religious account of the creation of human beings. The differently can only be seen as an opposed illustration of evolution of human from a primitive ape, which highly differ from religious
Friday, February 7, 2020
Iinternational Business Porters Diamond Analysis of the Mexican Essay
Iinternational Business Porters Diamond Analysis of the Mexican Business Environment - Essay Example BRIC countries are those that dominated global economic talks in 2001 and years after; at that time, these countries had demonstrated great potential in exploiting economic opportunities. These countries have moved on to become great and major players in the global economy, with great growth in their GDP. BRIC countries comprise of Brazil, Russia, India, and China; currently, these countries have now been classified as the powerhouses of the world economy. They have reformed their macroeconomic policies, something that has given them a cutting edge in creating economic competitive advantages globally. Later, a new perspective and outlook on activities by other countries brought up the MINT countries, as those showing huge advances in their economic growth. Currently, different countries are involved in various practices that can enhance their competitive advantage. Many countries are reforming the macroeconomic policies in the process of attracting local and international investments to spur the growth and development of economic activities in these countries. MINT countries are those that have shown tremendous developments in the economic activities, thus leading to expansion of their economic activities. These countries include Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Turkey; according to Jim Oââ¬â¢Neill, an economist, these countries have an upsurge of economic activities that have placed them perfectly in the league fast-growing economies. An important characteristic of these countries is the fact that they have young and aggressive populations that have the ability to take on various economic activities.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The Making of the Middle Ages Essay Example for Free
The Making of the Middle Ages Essay Personally, when thinking of the middle Ages, I tend to have the misconception that it is a period of darkness with no progress. However, R.W. Southernââ¬â¢s book, ââ¬ËThe Making of the Middle Agesââ¬â¢, offers an in depth study of the development of history in the world today. Observing that this book was published during the 1950s, Mr. Southernââ¬â¢s interpretation of the ââ¬ËMiddle Agesââ¬â¢ was very distinctive in comparison to other historians of his time. He explores the significance of the Middle Ages as a separate sector in the study of history by which the audience will notice that previous categories of studied history is set aside, as we are no longer focusing on the usual ââ¬ËClassical Greeceââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËRomeââ¬â¢ in shaping the modern world, but the ââ¬ËMiddle Agesââ¬â¢ as an entity on its own. The ââ¬ËMiddle Agesââ¬â¢ are regarded as of equal importance in the understanding of making the modern world since the Enlightenment. Setting this book in the 1950s when traditionalist views are still the core study of history, he attempts to justify the study of the Middle Ages as important to understanding. I find myself puzzled by his misleading use of the bookââ¬â¢s title as it does not describe the actual ââ¬Ëmakingââ¬â¢ of the middle ages which is suggests, but the actual ââ¬Ëformation of western Europe from the late tenth to the early thirteenth centuryââ¬â¢. It is clear that Mr. Southern acknowledges the problems during the Middle Ages and examines them in two sections. He states that these divisions in Latin Christendom and its neighbors arose from the lack of communication and the tension caused from social disorder. Another trigger of tension was the division of the two main languages in Europe. He also emphasizes that those were the main factors and that areas of authority and political divisions were too artificial and ââ¬Ëtoo fluid to count for muchââ¬â¢ which also suggests that ââ¬Ëpolitical boundaries didnââ¬â¢t surviveââ¬â¢. Opposed to the traditional view of history, he insinuates that the middle ages have been hindered as a ââ¬Ësecret revolutionââ¬â¢. This implies that Southernââ¬â¢s argument tries to reaffirm the status of the middle ages as a legitimate topic of academic discourse. Of course in his attempt to convince his academic peers, he seems to be very selective in his choice of sources. When examining the index, it clearly shows that there is little written about other themes. Southern conveys a very Eurocentric attitude towards the topics that are discussed in his book, as he mentions very little of the developments in Africa, the role of women and children and when compared to people of the upper classes and serfdoms, the ratio seems bizarre. There is a large list of various Saints that Southern mentions, as well as many powerful men with high social statuses that claim more pages and notice about serfdom which concludes to my point of Southernââ¬â¢s poor demographic as there isnââ¬â¢t a chapter on women. Southernââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËMaking of the Middle Agesââ¬â¢ is a history of men and powerful political men. Southern also uses imperial terms that show that his book was written for the upper classes if placed in the wider context with the books published at the same time. Mr. Southern uses five main headings for each of his discussions and it is obvious that his main interest lies within the role of religion. ââ¬Ëdark agesââ¬â¢ no progress? Regression he argues that there are things and events that happened which form Europe as it is today â⬠¦ Not just shaped by classical rome in shaping modern Europe. About the book in the wider context about the books in the same time about the same topic because books are not published isolated- When the book was published and then how does it compare to the books published now- outdated? Why? Compared to modern literature and then the books published at the time. Index: always a noun but mentions none in themes, another flaw in the writer as the impression it gives shows that there arenââ¬â¢t any interests in wider themes. Eurocentric attitude to history isnââ¬â¢t as important- maybe ignores development in Africa? Role of women, children or slaves (under classes) but does have ââ¬Ëserfdomââ¬â¢ only one chapter? Imperial terms; Sort of model of Thucydidean history (which is history of political leaders) military generals none of underdogs. (power politics) theme of Enlightenment-inspired medievalism and protonationalism with a study of legendary heroes Guy of Warwick and Bevis of Hampton in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century literary circles, while articles by Helen Phillips, John Marshall, and David Mills examine gender in Chaucerââ¬â¢s writings, Robin Hoodââ¬â¢s embodiment of pageantry, and the Chester Plays, respectively. Andrew Wawn expands on his earlier work by examining Victorian makers of the Viking Middle Ages active in Merseyside and Edward Morris surveys early nineteenth-century Liverpool collectors of illuminated manuscripts, devoting considerable attention to restituting the scholarly reputation of Sir John Tobin, a retired seaman, former slave trader, and pioneer in the acquisition of medieval manuscripts whose collection, amassed between 1823 and 1835, was ââ¬Å"perhaps the most important small group of late medieval illuminated manuscripts ever assembled by a private individualâ⬠(166). Revival of secular Gothic aesthetics, a must-read for anyone interested in appreciating the urban development of one of Englandââ¬â¢s most important cities during industrialization. serves as a useful reminder that medievalism can hold historical implications as interesting and important as the Middle Ages themselves.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Fate of a Hero in Beowulf Essay -- Epic of Beowulf Essays
The Fate of a Hero ââ¬Å"For a brief while your strength is in bloom/ but it fades quickly; and soon there will follow/ illness or the sword to lay you lowâ⬠¦ and death will arrive, dear warrior, to sweep you awayâ⬠(1761-8). Hrothgar bestows his wisdom onto Beowulf after Beowulf has defeated Grendel and his mother. Hrothgar reminds him not to let pride overcome him for everything is eventually defeated due to the power of fate. This exemplifies a theme woven throughout the story of Beowulf. Beowulf is presented as a valiant hero, slaying beasts with his mighty strength and demonstrating the importance of the balance between wisdom and strength, but as the story unfolds Beowulf slowly loses his vitality until eventually he is defeated. This shows the power of fate has on everyone; no exceptions. This paper will demonstrate the heroic qualities of Beowulf and show his gradual decline through the approaches and outcomes of his three battles with the monsters. In the beginning of the story, Beowulfââ¬â¢s journey brings him to the land of the Danes where he is first intruded upon by a coast guard. Immediately upon seeing Beowulf the coast guard remarks on his impressive appearance. ââ¬Å"Nor have I seen/ a mightier man-at-arms on this Earth/ than the one standing here: unless I am mistaken,/ he is truly nobleâ⬠(247-50). A warrior named Wulfgar, impressed by Beowulf and his men, delivers his request for passage into the land of Denmark from King of the Danes, Hrothgar. His family background and reputation are familiar to Hrothgar, and he eagerly welcomes them to Denmark. Wulfgar reports back to Beowulf, ââ¬Å"My lord, the conquering king of Danes, bids me announce that he knows you ancestry: also that he welcomes you here to Herotâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (391-3). This scene shows the importance of appearance and reputation, without which Beowulf may never have been admitted to the land of the Danes at all. Once he gains passage into Denmark, Beowulf talks with Hrothgar and his closest followers in the mead hall about how he will destroy this beast or die trying. ââ¬Å"I meant to perform to the uttermost what your people wanted or perish in the attempt, in the fiendââ¬â¢s clutches. And I shall fulfill that purpose, prove myself with a proud deed or meet my death here in the mead-hallâ⬠(634-8). His speech to Hrothgar shows Beowulfââ¬â¢s courage and confidence in his abilities. He also chooses not use any weapons or ar... ...e failed his people. His choice to conquer this dragon seems to be the obvious choice for a warrior. He must protect his people. But Beowulf seems so caught up in the surreal threats such as, monsters and dragons, he fails to realize the real peril he has left his people in. Beowulf is aware of his age and uneasy feeling toward his success yet he chooses to take on the dragon anyways. Although the dragon is defeated the Geat people are presented with even greater danger of the Sweds who will surely pounce on their nation. Therefore, throughout the story Beowulf is presented as the ultimate hero; demonstrating the strength of thirty men in his grasp while also using his powerful insight to avoid unnecessary conflict. His surreal strength and wisdom allow Beowulf to accomplish great feats within his time. He not only saves the land of the Danes form the terrorizing monsters but serves and protects his own people as well. Despite his heroic qualities, his humanity is proven by showing his eventual downfall; expressing that even the greatest heroes cannot live forever. Beowulfââ¬â¢s heroic qualities can only hold him above the rest until fate takes its toll and he too becomes defeated.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Research science fiction Essay
During the summer I met up with Harinder to start building our website and to get an idea of what it would include and look like. We decided to use the program Dream Weaver since it was more flexible compared to word or Frontpage and it had many features that we could use for our website, such as different backgrounds and texts. Dream weaver enabled us to use Flash MX which has much more effective graphics which we couldnââ¬â¢t get on Front Page such as the flash buttons and 3-d backgrounds all to make our website suit the Sc-Fi theme. We targeted our audience immediately by choosing the theme Science Fiction which appeals to teen and young adult males. We kept the audience involved furthermore by the type of language we chose to use which wasnââ¬â¢t too complicated yet not too patronising. The set up of the page was kept colourful, yet formal, by not having the hyperlinks and pictures all over the page. It would therefore appeal to the younger and older generations of our audience. We also targeted the audience by adding more features to our website like voting and a guest book so they feel welcome and give feed back on what they thought of our website. The strengths and weaknesses of our production are fairly clear. Some of the strengths are that it appeals to a wide range of audiences which means that more people are attracted to our website and it would be popular. Another strength would be the different kinds of features that make up our website, from the different types of flash buttons to the backgrounds, wallpapers and pictures. The weaknesses of our website include the appearance of the homepage; it looks too cluttered at the top then too empty at the bottom. The colours donââ¬â¢t match especially with the different coloured buttons. Another weakness would be that on a page like the picture page all of the links are down on one side of the page and the rest of the page looks empty. We could have avoided this problem by putting more pictures and links on the page. One more weakness I could pick out would probably be that it takes quite a long time to load up the site. This could be put down to the fact that there is a lot of links and features on our webpage which slows down the connection and makes it harder for the computer to find the proxy settings. The responses from our target audience were good. We asked people between the ages of 15-30 years of age what they thought of our website. We got some good responses especially from the younger members of our audiences, such as the layout of the website and the features is good quality. They did offer some improvements, such as it needed more information put into the site. The point came up again that the home page was too cluttered and looked over crowded. The older generation of our audience also thought the site was very effective. Some proposed improvements were that we needed to take more care when writing the movie reviews since there was a lot of spelling mistakes. Also that some of the other pages seemed empty with only a few links on them. It was proposed we should have either not made a links page for the pictures page or made more links and pictures. Another improvement suggested that we should have made our website even more formal if we wanted to aim at a wider range of 25 year olds upward, by not having the colourful buttons or backgrounds but having them black and white. I feel I learnt that we needed to have deadlines between ourselves to get certain things finished and then move on to the next thing instead of going back and finishing off pictures or reviews. You need to have people in your group that you can rely on to have work finished and handed in. Appendix 1. Google ââ¬â Search Engine 2. Science Fiction Websites- * * * Science Fiction Movie Reviews Pages * Science Fiction Picture Pages 3. Ask- Search Engine 4. Lycos- Search Engine
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Of Marriage and Single Life, by Francis Bacon
The first master of the essay form in English, Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was confident that of all his works in The Essayes or Counsels, Civill and Morall (1625) would last as long as books last. One of the best-known essays from that enduring collection is Of Marriage and Single Life. In his analysis of the essay, contemporary rhetorician Richard Lanham describes Bacons style as clipped, curt, compressed, and pointed: No climax at the end; no sign the whole chain of reasoning had been thought out beforehand; somewhat abrupt transitions (Some there are, Nay, there are, Nay, more), several antithetical contrasts, the whole built on a single, pointed and condensed moral reflection. It is from this last characteristic that the name pointed style comes. The point is the condensed, pithy, often proverbial and always memorable statement of a general truth.ââ¬â¹Ã¢â¬â¹(Analyzing Prose, 2nd ed. Continuum, 2003) You may find it worthwhile to compare Bacons aphoristic observations with the lengthier reflections in Joseph Addisons Defence and Happiness of Married Life. Of Marriage and Single Lifeà by Francis Bacon He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune, for they are impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mischief. Certainly the best works, and of greatest merit for the public, have proceeded from the unmarried or childless men, which both in affection and means have married and endowed the public. Yet it were great reason that those that have children should have greatest care of future times, unto which they know they must transmit their dearest pledges. Some there are who, though they lead a single life, yet their thoughts do end with themselves, and account future times impertinences. Nay, there are some others that account wife and children but as bills of charges. Nay more, there are some foolish, rich, covetous men, that take a pride in having no children, because they may be thought so much the richer. For perhaps they have heard some talk, Such an one is a great rich man; and another except to it, Yea, but he hath a great charge of children, as if it were an abatement to his riches. But the most ordinary cause of a single life is liberty, especially in certain self-pleasing and humorous minds, which are so sensible of every restraint as they will go near to think their girdles and garters to be bonds and shackles. Unmarried men are best friends, best masters, best servants, but not always best subjects, for they are light to run away, and almost all fugitives are of that condition. A single life doth well with churchmen, for charity will hardly water the ground where it must first fill a pool. It is indifferent for judges and magistrates, for if they be facile and corrupt, you shall have a servant five times worse than a wife. For soldiers, I find the generals commonly in their hortatives put men in mind of their wives and children; and I think the despising of marriage amongst the Turks maketh the vulgar soldier more base. Certainly wife and children are a kind of discipline of humanity; and single men, though they may be ma ny times more charitable, because their means are less exhaust, yet on the other side they are more cruel and hard-hearted (good to make severe inquisitors), because their tenderness is not so often called upon. Grave natures, led by custom, and therefore constant, are commonly loving husbands; as was said of Ulysses, Vetulam suam praetulit immortalitati.* Chaste women are often proud and forward, as presuming upon the merit of their chastity. It is one of the best bonds both of chastity and obedience in the wife if she think her husband wise, which she will never do if she find him jealous. Wives are young mens mistresses, companions for middle age, and old mens nurses; so as a man may have a quarrel to marry when he will. But yet he was reputed one of the wise men that made answer to the question, when a man should marry: A young man not yet, an elder man not at all. It is often seen that bad husbands have very good wives, whether it be that it raiseth the price of their hushands kindness when it comes, or that the wives take a pride in their patience. But this never fails if the bad husbands were of their own choosing, against their friends consent, for then they will be sure to make good their own folly. * He preferred his old woman to immortality.
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